EmergingSoft Outreach Series: Project for Pride in Living

Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is an organization dedicated to empowering individuals living on low income or in poverty to gain self-sufficient skills through provided resources and services. PPL offers housing, employment training, support services, and education to individuals and families in need. According to Project for Pride in Living, their agency has served more than 13,000 low-income people annually.

Through housing, employment training, support services, youth, programs and schools, PPL strives to live up to their mission of “helping people help themselves”.

One of the EmergingSoft team members regularly volunteers his time at PLL by presenting, teaching and helping build resumes for those who are trying to find a job.

What is Hot-Desking?

Perhaps you have heard of companies that no longer use assigned seating or are using “hot-desking” in their offices. Hot-desking is used to better manage space in an office by allowing employees to book a work space using an online tool. In a traditional office an empty desk or office would be unused and underutilized. With hot-desking an empty office can be booked by an employee and is no longer wasted space.

The Interactive FloorPlanner from EmergingSoft is ideal for companies that use hot-desking or have work spaces that can be booked on an ongoing basis. Employees simply use the map to find an open space, select the space, and reserve it. Check out FloorPlanner today!

Book Rooms with the MeetingPlanner Interactive FloorPlanner

Book Rooms with the MeetingPlanner Interactive FloorPlanner